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日期:2016-12-16 10:29作者:xuyuan人气:65


   1、I want you to know, but I don\\\\\\\'t want to tell you

  2、Hope that you are well(别来无恙

  3、People always say forever ?人总爱说永远?

  4、What you said I say love like her你说爱我 却说喜欢她

  5、Long time no see

  6、When tears do, leave should be strong 当眼泪流尽的时候,

  7、Mad laughter follows the drought of tears

  8、One upon a day never never say goodbye

  9、I iust rely on memory 我只是依赖着记忆

  10、“You make me wanna be a better man”


11、we are always one

  12、I don\\\\\\\'t need your care 我不需要你的关心

  13、We draw further apart, but the same

  14、Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

  15、You never leave my heart 你从不曾离开我的心

  16、First heartbreak Nineteen years wishing

  17、sea is the upside donw Sky 海是倒过来的天。

  18、one Hundred Dream NinetYNine You一百个梦九十九个你

  19、Within you I lose


  21、The time that you are my fatal 时光深知你是我致命的爱人

  22、Baby,也许爱只能是伤害and i have got nothing,nothing to say

  23、I waited for a long time, after all, it\\\\\\\'s not mine

  24、I wish you loved me

  25、My name is Your Man

  26、If through time, through love

  27、To live this life for you

  28、I try to smile!(我努力去微笑)

  29、Love will not wait for you again 再爱也不会等你一辈子

  30、Always waiting for yuo 总是在这里等着你。

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